Improv Demo Night welcomes Adults (18+) who have a professional or personal curiosity about our four-week improv series. Come experience the fun before you decide if you’d like to join the full series (or refer folks our way)!
Gain more confidence to create and share on the spot in a low-stakes, supportive group setting. Tell stories with creativity. Build on other group members’ ideas and offer your own ideas to the group, as well – and come up with scenes, songs, or jokes together. Take these skills back to your home or work by engaging in family discussions, friendships, and work relationships with more spontaneous strategies, or simply share a few moments with others around you via a giggle or two… or twenty!
We will meet in person on Tuesday, March 18th from 7:00PM - 8:30PM.
Exchange & Registration
This event has a sliding scale of $10-60.
To register, please send a Venmo payment to Chessie Snider via @chessie-snider.
Additional questions may be sent to Véro at
Véro Lecocq
I'm Véro Lecocq (she/her). I'm excited to offer this group because improv is such a powerful therapeutic tool -- I love exploring it with others! Informed by creativity, embodiment, storytelling, and play, this group is designed to be both fun and formative. Overall, my work as a clinician is grounded in my training as a drama therapist -- as well as in a few of my other favorite theories, like Individual Psychology, ACT, and Existentialism. Please visit my website to learn more!
Chessie Snider
I'm Chessie Rebecca Snider (they/them). I'm stoked to offer this group because improv is such a powerful community building tool. As a neurodivergent person it gave me so much confidence in university when I started to notice some of the games people were playing socially. Informed by attachment, relationship, storytelling, and play, this group is designed to be both fun and formative. Overall, my practice as a clinician is anchored in my training as a synergetic play therapist -- as well as in a few of my other favorite theories like IFS, Family Systems, Sociocultural Attunement, and professions in education and music.
Please visit my website to learn more!