A Matrescence Mini Retreat
Are you a mother who is juggling life with a young kid or kids?
Do you feel like you are just now coming up for air after the complex newborn months?
Are you yearning to get reoriented to the woman you are now?
Do you want to connect with other mothers who understand firsthand?
Are you craving an afternoon that’s just for you?
Join Michelle Jones, a trauma-informed psychotherapist and Kristen Gutierrez, a prenatal yoga teacher for a restorative and contemplative mini retreat honoring matrescence and the transformative power of stepping into motherhood. The afternoon will be spent in ritual and community and will include meditation, gentle movement, journaling and creative expression, sharing time, and restorative yoga.
Limber Yoga, 7901 35th Ave SW Seattle, WA
The fee is $80 per person.
Sliding scale spots may be available. Please reach out to Michelle to inquire.
Follow the link below to learn more and register.