Getting Closer to Clients, Getting Clients Closer to Themselves:
Navigating Interpersonal Proximity & Intrapersonal Depth & in Session
Working with clients we are constantly navigating two planes of experience: How close is the client to their own embodied experience, and how close are we to the client?
As therapists, we can be leaders in adjusting our client’s position on these two planes. By adjusting our somatic presence (body posture, tone of voice, volume of speech, speed of speech, etc) and word choice, we can invite clients to shift the emotional intensity of the moment: to “drop in” or to “surface.”
Additionally, by moving into the “here and now” (vs the “there and then”) we can explore with the client what is happening between us. Moving flexibly on both of these planes of experience require self-awareness in the clinician, and a tolerance for discomfort.
In this workshop, we will explore not only the interventions for flexible movement, but also use experiential methods to notice our own internal experience. What comes up for us as we move towards the client, or the client moves towards themselves? In what ways might we “surface” the client, or bring them into the “there and then” to alleviate our own discomfort?
We will practice moving up and down these planes, to gain familiarity with what increases and decreases the intensity, as well as with our own response, so that we may move more freely and intentionally with our clients in session.
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to observe and describe their own internal experience of comfort and discomfort, especially somatic cues.
Participants will be able to name the four axes of interpersonal proximity (immediacy/intimacy) between counselors and clients, and practice navigating along these axes in at least one practice activity.
Participants will be able to identify 3-5 strategies for guiding clients into and away from their internal experience and practice using these in at least one practice activity.
This workshop is for healing professionals — student interns through seasoned therapists are welcome! We invite you all to bring your openness and willingness to experiment and learn!
The exchange for this training is $125 and includes 6 continuing education units (CEUs).
Shelley Green
Shelley is a psychotherapist, counseling educator, and clinical supervisor practicing virtually in Washington state. She is informed by both an undergraduate degree focused on neurobiology of behavior as well as an experiential and presence-based Master’s of counseling. She is a firm and passionate believer in building the skills of emotional muscle and distress tolerance as a therapist, to maximize clinical flexibility and alliance-building with clients. Shelley has thirteen years of experience in the field, and practices from a relationally oriented and somatic posture. When not thinking and talking about therapy, she can be found exploring her current home of Costa Rica with her partner and two children.
Learn more about Shelley
Corrina Skildum
Corrina is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Adult Educator practicing in Seattle, WA. Corrina is passionate about creating experiential learning environments where participants learn from each other and from reflecting on their own experiences. In her private practice, she guides fellow travelers toward self-acceptance, and especially loves helping people learn to surf the waves of their emotions. You might also find her swimming and paddling in calm waters around Washington. Corrina has thirty years of experience as an experiential educator and therapist, and she integrates a wide variety of training including Hakomi, Theater of the Oppressed, Outdoor Experiential Education, Nonviolent Communication, Insight Meditation, Compassionate Bereavement Care, EMDR and Lifespan Integration.
Learn more about Corrina