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The Clinic: Nervous System Repair with Smruti Desai, LMHC

The Clinic

Deepen your practice at The Clinic, a series of specialized workshops designed to hone your skills and capacity as a practitioner. Inspired by the focused training methods used in sports clinics, these sessions are facilitated by seasoned practitioners Smruti Desai, D. Michael Louderback, and Abby Wong-Heffter. 

Each clinic will focus on an approach to the work, providing you with advanced techniques, practical tools, and new perspectives to integrate into your work. You will have the opportunity to witness and observe the work in real-time and there will be ample opportunity for dialogue and collaborative learning.

Whether you’re looking to refine your approach, deepen your capacity to drop into the human experience of this work, or renew your imagination for what’s possible in the in between, these clinics offer a unique opportunity for growth and connection.

Nervous Systems Repair

With Smruti Desai, LMHC we will delve into the complexities of the nervous system and its role in regulation, trauma recovery, and burn out. This clinic will explore advanced techniques for working with the nervous system, helping you to better support your clients in achieving awareness of their somatic processes and increasing their resilience.


We will gather virtually via Zoom for this collaborative workshop. Folks who RSVP will receive a link to join the evening prior to meeting.


General Registration — $22
with 1.5 CEUs — $44

Member Registration — Included in membership


Continuing education units have been authorized and approved by the NASW Washington State Chapter. Our provider #1975-507. Licensed social workers, marriage and family therapists, and mental health counselors are eligible.

Save the Dates

Join us on the 1st Friday of each month from 10:00-11:30am as we dive into core elements of interpersonal work, refining the tools and techniques that make a profound difference in our capacities to feel, heal, relate, and create.

The Clinic: Psychoanalysis with D. Michael Louderback — May 2 (Hybrid)

The Clinic: Limbic Resonance with Abby Wong-Heffter — June 6 (Hybrid)


Smruti Desai

Therapist, Supervisor, & Educator

I'm Smruti (Sm-ruthie) Desai (the-sigh) (she/her), Therapist & Facilitator. I am drawn to this conversation because I think the systems we live in and the systems our ancestors lived in deeply impact how we experience(or don't experience) trust in ourselves, our bodies, and one another. In my private practice,  I work primarily with 1st & 2nd generation B,I,POC immigrants and the intersections of identity, social/historical trauma, the nervous system, and attachment. I am informed by a whole host of teachers/elders who have journeyed with me & taught me in my own professional and personal healing journey over the last 20 years.  I am deeply supported by my South Asian ancestors and culture, the city of Atlanta(where I call home), my friends/colleagues, and the natural rhythms of the earth. 

Learn more about Smruti

April 3

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