
Propagate Your Practice

A Business Development Cohort: Grow Your Business from Seedling to Thriving Practice

Mondays 6:00-8:30pm
August 5, 12, and 19
at Shelterwood Collective in Pioneer Square, Seattle

Take Root

Propagation begins with a seed of intention — your passion and calling. Through this workshop series, you will learn to cultivate this seed into a robust entrepreneurial identity, learn best practices to form your business, and gain practical skills to support your day-to-day operations and resilience.

Just as a greenhouse provides the optimal environment for tender shoots to take root and thrive, this course offers a deliberate and nurturing space for aspiring healers and social creatives to establish and fortify their businesses.

Like carefully propagated plants, each business venture requires a supportive community and intentional care to flourish.

Our learning community not only equips you with essential tools but also fosters a network of support — a fertile soil where ideas take root, thrive, and ultimately blossom into sustainable, thriving practices.

Join us in the greenhouse of entrepreneurial healing, where we cultivate not just businesses, but futures brimming with vitality and purpose.

In this cohort you’ll learn to:


Before diving into the nitty-gritty we first root through embodiment. It’s so easy when we’re doing something new to seek out external opinions, while losing ourselves and our deeper why. We will carving out intentional space to:

  • connect with your body, mind, and spirit

  • identify blocks, fears, and limiting beliefs

  • locate your intuition and intentions

  • align with your values

  • attune to your unique needs and style of work


From this more grounded and integrated place we’ll gather the seeds, tools, and information required to launch your business:

  • differentiate between the identities and functions of a practitioner, manager, and entrepreneur

  • understand business entities and structures

  • get official with the city, state, and federal government (think: UBI, EIN/TIN, NPI)

  • secure liability insurance, business banking, tax systems, and other core foundations


Equipped with knowledge, best practices, and new skills, we’ll do the work of propagating your business:

  • articulate your unique approach and the services you offer

  • identify your core audience — ideal clients and key partners

  • craft your brand identity

  • establish the infrastructure and systems you need to reach your clients and sustain day-to-day operations


You have a vision for your business and by now, you see it taking shape. Now our task is develop financially sustainability — for your business and your personal livelihood:

  • understand your money narratives and attachments

  • own your worth and setting your fees

  • identify the numbers you need to know and stay attuned to

  • develop skills and systems for budgeting, bookkeeping, accounting, payroll, and taxes


Your business is a living, breathing entity. You can’t set it and forget it. Like a garden, it requires tending. You’ll learn to:

  • prepare for a full cycle of seasons — what happens each quarter of your business

  • develop your own rhythms for self-keeping, rest, time-off, and play as a business owner

  • use tools for checking in, assessing, trouble-shooting, and resourcing

  • create easy-to-use and accessible systems to keep you organized and feel confident and at ease in your business


Choosing to work for yourself doesn’t mean you have to be isolated. We’ll workshop how to:

  • identify your unique needs for connection and collaboration

  • locate a holistic, reciprocal network of authentic relationships and partners (no awkward self-promotion required ;)

  • develop circles of peer support, mentorship, skill-building, and specialization

  • understand when to seek professional support, hire employees, or innovate to meet your businesses’ evolving needs

Experiential & Collaborative

Each Greenhouse cohort is a dynamic, relational learning environment. Each workshop flows between instruction, live coaching, group feedback, and practical application. You’ll leave with the awareness, resources, and community needed to propagate a sustainable, thriving business.

We meet three times to create space to go deeper into the material and to allow time between sessions to metabolize and apply your learning to your business in real time.

Being a part of a cohort of healers and social creatives that are also in the process of forming and launching their businesses is invaluable. You’ll have the opportunity to make connections and receive feedback through the group workshop gathering and in between on our private Slack channel.

We know developing a business takes time and adaptivity is required, so you’ll have access to Nicole and your cohort via Slack for 3 months following the workshop container. We know this will be a generative space for community, support, resource-sharing, and mentorship during this vital, but sometime-vulnerable-and-hard, beginning season.

Meet Your Mentor

Nicole Greenwald

Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor, & Consultant

Hi, I’m Nicole!

I feel most alive when I’m dreaming and listening to dreams. I am fierce about cultivating imagination and I’m skillful in moving ideas into reality.

I am a healer, gatherer, and creative. I identify as a mentor because I see my work as coming alongside — bearing witness to your passion, attuning to your unique design, and holding space for your vision to take root and thrive.

I am a psychotherapist and clinical supervision in practice practice, the founder of a grassroots co-op for healing practitioners, and a consultant to entrepreneurs and social change organizations.

I’ve worked in the non-profit and education space for over 20 years; owned and operated a restaurant and several other small businesses; and moved through the lifecycle of idea to fruition many times over. I’ve stewarded big wins, built sustainable systems, midwifed successful pivots, worked through challenging team and partnership dynamics, and navigated the grief of losses and business closures.

I believe community is our medicine. All of my work is relational and communal in nature. I can’t wait to cultivate and generate with you!

All the Details


This cohort is for healers (counselors, therapists, social workers, psychologists), coaches, guides, artists, and social creatives who are opening a practice and stepping into business ownership.


Mondays August 5, 12, and 19

5:30 — Doors open
6:00-7:15 — Training block
7:15-7:30 — Break
7:30-8:30 — Training block


We will gather in person at The Studio at Shelterwood Collective in Pioneer Square. Visit this page for details about the neighborhood, accessibility, parking, and transportation.

*If these dates don’t work for you or if you’re interested in a virtual-only option, please let us know by filling out this waiting list form. Your feedback will help us identify the best timing and format for future cohorts.


Your registration fee covers the costs of:

  • 3 immersive workshops

  • A Getting Started Checklist for folks ready to dive in now

  • 3-months of access to a virtual coaching community

  • resources, tools, and templates

Everyone will receive a Getting Started Checklist when you register to support you in gathering information and even completing some of the nuts and bolts before our workshop container begins.

This workshop is offered on a sliding scale:

  • $600 — You are BIPOC or you have financial hardship (unemployed, receiving assistance, and/or living paycheck to paycheck)

  • $800 — You have financial stability (capacity to save, resources to invest in a new venture, and/or benefit from a dual-income household)

  • $1,000 — You have financial abundance and want to support the community

When you register you will have the option to pay in one, two, or four installments.


Joining a Greenhouse cohort grants you discounted access to:

  • Setting the Frame — $100 off this comprehensive packet of 16 attorney-vetted disclosures, forms, and templates for opening an ethical, Washington state aligned mental health counseling practice

  • Learning & Support — special cohort-only rates for seasonal Greenhouse workshops and tune-up labs

  • Continuing Education Units — option to add-on 6 CEUs only $100

  • Coaching with Nicole — One-on-one access to Nicole for $75 off. Opportunity to share an hour with another colleague.


You’re welcome to email if you have questions about this program.


Continuing education units for this training have been authorized and approved by the NASW Washington State Chapter. Our provider #1975-507. Licensed social workers, marriage and family therapists, and mental health counselors are eligible.