

Perhaps you feel lost, confused, or disconnected. Perhaps you no longer feel safe or welcome in places that once felt safe and welcoming. Maybe you have stories that have no words, but you know your body remembers them. Trauma and relational harm can feel like being exiled from safety, with an inability to return home.

I work from the guiding belief that we are all impacted and formed in relationships, beginning with our earliest relationships with our families and caregivers, as well as the cultural & generational spaces we are born into. I love working with clients to explore the roots of how they have experienced being human in this world, and working to rebuild connection within themselves, with others, and even with the earth.

I received my Masters in Counseling Psychology, with a concentration in trauma & abuse, from the Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. I am trained in Lifespan Integration, which is a gentle, body-based way of working with trauma, and I am also trained in ways to work with our life stories by exploring themes and archetypes. In our work together, we may utilize movement or art to express what is hard to put into words. We may focus on specific stories from the past, or we may process what you are currently experiencing in your life. We will work together to identify parts of you that may be disconnected, hurt, or in need of good care, and work together to mend the wounds in your soul with kindness.

Areas of Focus

Recovery from Religious Trauma
Purity Culture Survivors
Lifespan Integration


$130 per 50-minute session. I am out of network, but can provide a superbill for potential reimbursement.


My office is located in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle. I see people in person and online.

Schedule a Session

You can reach me by email or phone (253) 793-0266. My website is

“Be easy. Take your time. You are coming home to yourself.” 

~Nayyirah Waheed


Lotem Raymond Coe, LMHCA, ATR-P


Bethanne Kinmonth